mercredi 6 juillet 2011

My Stylish Blogger Award!

Thank you so much to the beautiful and stylish MlleTrenDy aka Mademoiselle Trendy for passing on this award to me! Her blog is fantastic, so it's an honor to be recognized by such a great blogger. And now it's my turn to give the award to someone else. But first here are a few rules...

Award rules
1.Thank and link back to the person that awarded you this award
2.Share 7 things about yourself
3.Award recently discovered great bloggers
4.Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award
7 things about myself

1. I lived in the Caribbeans for a year
2. I have a Yorkie puppy
3. I am somewhat of an insomniac (I go to bed at like 3am!)
4. I own over 30 pairs of jeans
5. I used to be obsessed with it's Beyonce
6. I can't swim but I love the beach
7. I have 3 college degrees  

Now Here Are My 7 Picks

1. Serendipity (HauteMangoGirl)
2. bejustyou (Daniela Carpino)
5. MzFashionCloset (Dhalia)
7. the city loves Fashion (Daily Glamour)